Friday, January 30, 2015


We just made it through The Blizzard of 2015. It came in early Tuesday morning. No one did anything Tuesday -- no school, all state offices were closed -- even the mail didn't come. We didn't have school Wednesday, either. Tuesday was the actual storm, but Wednesday was hours and hours of digging out (and playing).

Well, maybe not hours and hours of playing. WHM let me get his gear on him, so he was pretty watertight.  CAM, on the other hand, threw herself together and was out -- and then wet and cold and back in -- before I could snap a single photo with my real camera. (I do have a handful with my cell phone.)

Typically with a big storm, Mick will go out and battle the snow in stages, but there was no way we could do that on Tuesday. Tuesday just wasn't fit for being outside whatsoever, since it truly was a blizzard. We were all up and out early (8-ish) on Wednesday -- Mick with the snowblower, the kids with their saucers, and me with my camera(s)!

Here are some of the good ones from the real camera.  I'll try again today (Friday -- another snow day!) to get some of CAM.

The snow was up to the top of the snowblower. It took Mick nearly 4 hours to clear it all. He came in and slept.


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